Monday, December 11, 2006
Another view of war and peace
This post in another blog talks about the poster's experiences in Afghanistan. I haven't been there myself, but it sounds like quite a different life from the States. I think it's a bit controversial. Have you read it?
Friday, December 08, 2006
C has grown so much
Anyway, he is so strong, and so helpful around the house. He likes to put away laundry in the dresser drawers. Any excuse to run from room to room, really.
More later...
Looking for Longleaf
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Omaha Steaks: grain fed steaks
So, Omaha Steaks is what we get every year from some relatives. They are very much grain fed, which makes them fattier and more tender, and much less healthy. What about Niman Ranch beef instead? Is it any more healthy? It sure is a LOT more expensive! No hormones, no antibiotics, and traditionally raised, so it is over $100 for just 5 flank steaks. Wow! And these cows are still not fully grass fed, so their fat is still low in the healthy omega 3 fatty acids that make grass fed beef healthier. If this is what there is, I'll just have beans, thank you!
Might as well say that we may or may not get some of these steaks in the mail for Christmas this year. We have gotten them every year for several years from some relatives of Bill's, but there is a bit of a problem going on between his mom and them, so I'm wondering what will happen. He never calls them because he's so uncomfortable with it all. Every family has its oddities, of course. It's just too bad that Chris is in the middle of it all (and Bill as well, really). Why can't people just get along?
It snowed!
Hope you all are having a wonderful winter!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
celiac disease -- whatever happened to the old cure for it?
It contradicts itself later, however, by stating. "Even while on a diet, health-related quality of life (HRQOL) is decreased in people with coeliac disease. Some have persisting digestive symptoms or dermatitis herpetiformis, mouth ulcers, osteoporosis and fractures." (there is more, too, but you get the point. I'm amazed that mainstream medicine still stands by this, despites lots of doubts about what really causes celiac disease and what can be done about it.
There is an alternative diet to the gluten free diet, the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (TM), which restricts not only gluten containing grains such as wheat, rye, and barley, but also all grains (including rice and corn) and most complex carbohydrates including potatoes, most beans (including soy and pinto), and other starchy vegetables and all sweeteners except for honey and saccharine. This diet is based on the idea that the gut is damaged by an imbalance of intestinal flora, and that the unfriendly flora must be starved off by depriving them of food. The diet only allows carbohydrates that are monosaccharides such as those in fruits, sweet vegetables such as squash, non-starchy veggies such as broccoli and zucchini, and honey. All fermentable carbohydrates are removed from the diet to allow the gut to rest and heal. This diet was first developed to treat celiac disease, but fell out of favor because of its difficulty to maintain and further studies that pointed to gluten, a protein, rather than starch, as the culprit in celiac.
There is a small minority of people who believe that celiac disease, irritable bowel disease, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, and even perhaps autism, are all caused by carbohydrate intolerance rather than gluten intolerance. This is because only monosaccarides can be digested completely by the human digestive system and absorbed properly. All other carbohydrates cause problems, particularly if there is intestinal damage such as that caused by coeliac disease. The complex carbohydrates, disaccharides and polysaccharides, are not properly digested in the stomach, and go on to feed unfriendly intestinal flora such as Candida albicans, which in turn cause more intestinal damage. Thus, this vicious cycle causes increasing damage to the intestines and an out of control imbalance of intestinal microflora.
It turns out humans never really were meant to be eating starches, especially in the huge quantities most modern diets -- not just the US diet, but most around the world (other than traditional Arctic people and a few other isolated groups). It was less than 10,000 years ago that humans started to live settled enough and farm enough that they could grow large quantities of crops, including grains. Before that, most humans ate meat, fruit, vegetables, some tubers and a few grains gathered a few weeks a year, doled out very frugally throughout the year. And only a thousand or so more years before that were we regularly cooking our foods, so we really couldn't eat grains or tubers. Many people's bodies have adapted to this new diet, but many have not, and celiac disease is just one sign that it's an ill-suited diet.
The Specific Carbohydrate Diet(TM) solves this problem. It does not restrict protein foods such as meats, and allows some beans, such as lentils and navy beans once healing is well under way. It includes dairy, although in cases where dairy is not tolerated it can be excluded as well. This diet was developed in the early 20th Century, and was commonly used as recently as the 1950s to treat Celiac disease. (Haas SV and Haas MP: Management of celiac disease, p x. J B Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, 1951)
Monday, November 20, 2006
What did we do today? What should we have done?
Today started out like many days. I made breakfast, almond flour porrige (which ds asked for and used to eat). He refused to eat it, and only ate an apple. He is a very picky eater, by the way. Anyway, we went to my doctor's office for my cranial sacral therapy appointment (he had some goat milk yogurt in the waiting room), then we stopped at a supplements store for cod liver oil. DS got a raw vegan energy bar, which he devoured. When we got home, he had a tantrum. Was it the energy bar on basically an empty stomach? Going to the doctor's office (where he watched his DVD player while I got my treatment)? Was it something else? Well, he ended up falling asleep, which is not something he usually does anymore. He had been running around at the doctor's office in the waiting room, and one of the receptionists said "I wish I had his energy." Little did they know it was being hyper. And that he would collapse a short while later.
Why won't he eat better? Why does he ask for food that he then doesn't eat? Why does he eat so many sweets? Well, it's the candida, duh! But why can't we kick it? Why does a kid have to go through this? Why can't he be healthy? I am so tired of these worries. I don't know what to do.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Probiotics are cool
Here are some links:
More later! I am needed to get ds ready for bed.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Jokes about congress I've gotten in my inbox
Q. What is the difference between Congress and the Library of Congress?
A. At the Library of Congress, you aren't allowed to lick the pages.
This was from a church email list, by the way. But it was a Unitarian church group, and in Washington state. tee hee.
The rains are here! Is this 50 days and 50 nights or what?
I don't like the extremely dry air in places like Tucson, AZ but envy them their sun and warmth. I would like the warm and the sun without the incredibly dry air or the unbearably hot summers. Is ther such a place? I'd like the humidity to be about 50% all year, with a variation of temperature from about 55 degrees in the winter to about 85 degrees in the summer, with a long warm spring and fall. Sigh. Rain isn't all bad, it's just when that's all there is that it gets to be a downer. It would be nice to have some sun every once in awhile. Even just an hour a day, sheesh!
Friday, October 13, 2006
World On Fire
$5,000 could cover the cost of hair and make-up for one day on set in LA or pay for one year’s schooling for 145 girls in Afghanistan. Sarah McLachlan does the math and encourages you to join her. |
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Walk Slowly, Live Wildly
What an interesting blog. Sara and her family have moved into a tiny one bedroom apartment from a big house, and downsized majorly. I couldn't do what she did, especially since she's still got parents to hold onto some of her stuff (the benefits of having kids young -- living grandparents!). But the way she makes her little place look -- wow! That I want. I want to create a livable, beautiful home with functional but nice looking furniture. I want to be able to create a home that I would post pictures of on the web, and invite people over! I want a nice place, and her blog makes it abundantly clear it doesn't have to be huge to be nice and homey.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
sodium ascorbate, about 6 grams a day
5 HTP (am going to stop on that for a bit to see if ds's mood gets better -- he's been bossy and angry a lot, and I'm thinking it might be what he's getting in my breastmilk, even though he hardly nurses)
St. John's Wort
sodium ascorbate
Vital 10 diary free Probiotics from Klaire Labs
homeopathic candida
selenium (need to get more of this)
energy electrolytes (minerals)
Dolomite (need to get more of this)
Calcium by Garden of Life
Thropps enzymes -- two diferent kinds, one is Ultra-Zyme Pro and the other is a combination with grape seed extract
Candida Yeast Management enzymes by Nutraceutical Sciences Institute
Homeopathic single remedies: sepia 200K and ignatia amara 200K
Five Love Languages
The Five Love Languages
My primary love language is probablyQuality Time
with a secondary love language being
Acts of Service.
Complete set of results
Quality Time: | 9 | |
Acts of Service: | 8 | |
Physical Touch: | 7 | |
Words of Affirmation: | 5 | |
Receiving Gifts: | 1 |
Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.Take the quiz
Some treats are all tricks -- chocolate and child slave labor
So this Halloween, if you must give out chocolate, make sure it's fair trade chocolate!
Does anyone know if there is any raw, organic lead-free cacao that is also fair trade?
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Pirate Papa: A Journal of Anarcho-Green D(o).I(t).Y(ourself). Parenting
What a cool site! All kinds of things, all kinds of information. I like the look of it, too! Check it out!
I love to hear about other parents who are doing things differently. Not following the herd. Thinking for themselves.
Is your life waiting?
Friday, September 22, 2006
What's for Dinner? Eating the NT Way: Gingered Chicken Breasts
What's for Dinner? Eating the NT Way: Gingered Chicken Breasts
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Mama's got milk
To the tune of “Baby Got Back”! (written by ?)
I like milk breasts and I cannot lie
You other babies can’t deny
That when a mom walks in with an itty bitty waist and
Two round things in your face
Cuz you notice her bra is stuffed
she’s deep in double d’s she wearing
Im hooked and I can’t stop staring
OH MOMMA I wanna get witcha
And drink your juicy pitchers
Enfamil tried to lure me
But only momma’s milk makes me WAY healthy!
Ooo boobie’s smooth skin
It always makes me grin,
So feed me, feed me,
Cause you know it makes me happy
I see ‘em bouncin’
With at least six ounces
It’s sweet.
This treat!
Sit down mom, pull up a seat!
I’m tired of magazines,
Sayin formula is the thing
Ask the average baby and they’ll say, “Snap!
Give it to me straight from the tap!”
So, Mommas (yeah!)
Mommas (yeah!)
Can you NIP without any drama?
Then nurse ‘em, nurse ‘em, nurse ‘em, nurse ‘em,
Nurse your precious babes
Momma’s got milk!
(Mom’s sweet face over big full boobies)
Momma’s got milk!
(Mom’s sweet face over big full boobies)
I like ‘em round and big
I’m like a little baby pig
I just can’t help my self,
I’m eatin’ like an animal
Bottles can’t hold a candle
I wanna get that booju and slurp,
Slurp it up slurp slurp
I ain’t talking ’bout Playtex
Cause silicone nips are made for chumps
I like ‘em real big and juicy
So give me your big bubbles
Boobies don’t give me trouble
Rarely do I get a gas bubble
I’m lookin’ at TLC’s baby shows
Oh would you look at that…Oh, NO!
You can keep that mooju.
I’ll keep on stickin’ with booju.
A word to all you new mommas.
It’s no trauma
It’s not a big drama
I gotta be straight,
Your baby can nurse
Til the break of dawn
Now you’ve got it goin’ on
Similac won’t like this song
Cause they count on you to try it and quit it,
But you know those breasts make milk
It’s not wrong. You’re strong
Let’s get that lactating on
So babies (squee!)
Babies (squee!)
Do you wanna have your thirst sated?
Momma undo your bra, whip it out,
You make this baby shout
Momma’s got milk!
(Mom’s sweet face over big full boobies)
Momma’s got milk!
(Mom’s sweet face over big full boobies)
Yeah mommas.
When it comes to breastfeeding?
Size ain’t got nothin’ to do with your ability.
Bs? Cs? Double Ds?
You’ve got all your baby needs.
So they gave you a “success bag”
Complete with a Nestle tag
But don’t think that you always need
To get some free swag
Leave that sample up on the shelf
You can make it yourself
You can have some wine and sushi,
Your babe can have your milk!
Some docs wanna play that hard role
And tell you to supplement.
Momma toss it! Leave it!
The trashman can retrieve it!
So the security guard says, “Stop that!”
Well, I ain’t down with that.
Cause my boobs are full
And this baby needs feeding,
It’s his needs that I’ll be meetin’
Some knuckleheads tried to be snide,
But the law is on my side.
I’m not feeding her in the restroom.
So stop with your doom and gloom.
So momma if your babe needs food
Go ahead and do what’s good.
Sit down and feed that baby there
And let your milkies flow
Momma’s got milk!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Anxiety makes the world into a hurricane
I have anxiety. I don't know if you call it general anxiety disorder, or what, but it's anxiety that comes and goes, and generally makes my life miserable. I often feel as though nothing is right, that everything is wrong. I'm anxious about going out, I'm anxious about staying in. I'm anxious about spending money, I'm anxious about not buying anything. I'm anxious about making phone calls, but not talking on the phone leaves me isolated, particularly as I'm a stay-at-home mom who often literally stays at home all day. I'm anxious about the mess my home is in, but my brain is so scrambled I don't know where to begin to clean it. I hate it.
Why anxiety?
I know for me the anxiety is at least partially biological in cause, although the exact biology of it isn't clear to me. Candida, which I know I have, can cause anxiety, as can die-off when on an anti-candida diet (which I'm tiptoing on the edges of -- I cheat -- by eating fruit, honey, or carrots, just a little bit each day, probably enough to keep the candida alive but also just enough to keep from totally losing it). I know my anxiety is probably at least partially inherited from my mom, as she seemed like a pretty anxious person, always on the go and rarely relaxed unless she was reading a book. Whether I inhertited her candida and nutritional problems or her genetic problems is not clear though, as both can come to a person from their mother. And gut issues, and nutrition, are definitely tied up with mood and other mental problems.
What to do about it?
I used to be on Prozac, and it helped both my anxiety and my depression, but it made me feel like crap. I was tired all the time, needed coffee just to get going, often took naps in the middle of the day (yes, even at work), and slept 11 hours per night on weekends. I have been trying various homeopathic remedies, including gelsemium sempervirons, staphysagria, sepia, natrum muriaticum, and thuja, but none has resolved it. I just have a drawer full of little vials of these round pellets. The diet that I've been on for almost a year, the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, has helped many who had gut issues, but it doesn't seem to have done much for me beyond helping me to lose some weight. I'm guessing that the candida are just too strong for it, and I will have to do something else.
And the torch is passed
My son definitely has separation anxiety, and is generally very high needs, so I'm pretty sure my problems have been passed on to him, whether through gut flora and nutrition problems he got in utero and/or during and after birth (candida from the birth canal and candida and missing nutrients in my breastmilk), or through just being around an anxious and depressed mom. I was thinking today how few memories I have of having real fun with him, and how few memories I have of having real fun with my mom, and it saddened me. How can I right this? I don't want him to grow up to be anxious and depressed like I am. I want him to be happy, healthy, and full of joy and love. What do I do to change things?
All I really want to do now is eat regular food again, like cereal and milk and pie and such. Give me a pill that will let me be healthy on a whole foods diet that isn't so limited, please! I can't even go camping because of a) the anxiety and b) the fact that the diet I'm on requires me not to use any canned or processed foods, which means I have to cook every meal -- not easy on a campstove with a few tiny camping pots. I can't enjoy life and I'm sick of it. Help me, please! I am tempted to chuck the whole thing, ask to be put on Prozac or St John's Wort or something, and eat at Denny's!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Tired all the time? Could it be Adrenal Fatigue?
Adrenal Fatigue affects an estimated 80% of people living in industrialized countries at one time or another in their lives, yet it has been ignored and largely untreated by the medical community. As a physician in private practice, the number of patients I can work with is limited so, in order to reach the many individuals who suffer from this problem and help them regain their health and vitality, I wrote the book Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome.
Here are some more links to info about it:
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Walid's Wanderings
This page is from the point of view of someone who actually lived in Lebanon. He does not live there now, but from his posts obviously sees things from a Lebanese point of view. The whole Middle East mess is such a tragedy. That people are killing people over land, oil, differences in religious beliefs, is just horrible. That the media is showing mostly the point of view of the Israelis is not helping matters.
Seeing it from a Lebanese point of view certainly puts a different perspective, although the point of view is of one who believes violence can be justified based on violence. In this way, his point of view is exactly the same as that of the Israelis that so many have been horrified over. Is it a geographical prejudice?
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Maternal Digressions
I hope that some day, being a mother will be seen as a normal part of life, and that mothers will be acknowledged as human beings. This site talks about the way women are treated when pregnant, when breastfeeding, and generally in mothering their children. Not well, especially when you consider how important the next generation's health (mentally and physically) is to the world's well-being. Being a mom is a 24/7 profession, and should pay as such. Sure, we are rewarded by seeing our children grow and develop. However, it's difficult to focus entirely on mothering when you have to worry about money because being a mom doesn't pay anything. It should. Society should pay a woman well to stay home (if that is her choice), well enough that she doesn't have to have an anxiety attack every time she spends money for groceries.
In traditional societies, childrearing is a part of everyday life, shared by all, and is integrated into the activities that support the family. Children help gather and prepare food, as well as provide help in making tools and other necessary items. They learn as they go, they are a part of the family and the community as a whole. Sure, they play, but they are enveloped in a constant context that includes all ages and generations. In our society, they are often shunted off to daycare at a few weeks old, and spend the majority of their time once mobile either doing busy work or being ignored and left to fend for themselves with other similarly aged children as models. This is because we have decided that children are best kept separate from adults as much as possible, due to their not having anything valuable to contribute. This dooms them to feelings of inadequacy and feeling abandoned. Even if a woman does stay home to care for young children, she is often so isolated from others that she gets depressed, or ends up sticking the kids in front of a video so she can get some time with other adults. What's wrong with this picture? Plenty!
What's the solution? Homeschooling, or unschooling, at least de-institutionalizes children, but it leaves them cut off from the adult world in many cases, simply because they don't fit in to the hushed, sterile, maze-like world so many adults toil in day by day (the lucky white collar workers, anyway). Is there a way to fit children into the real world without enslaving them or totally disrupting the world of work? Should the factories, offices, stores, etc. be so serious and locked down that children wouldn't fit in? I realize that child labor is not exactly what we need to go back to, in the sense of children being forced to put in long hours in noisy, dirty, dangerous, conditions. But should anyone work like that? Shouldn't work itself be changed, so as to make it less slavery like? Or would that be some sort of radical revolutionary thing? I don't know.
Locked out of the American Dream
I guess it comes with the territory of being a sahm, since most women work and most women who don't work outside the home have husbands that are well paid, but I couldn't help feeling sorry for myself, and comparing our situation to theirs. We just got our bank statement, and it shows that we exceeded our income this month, again, and are now living paycheck to paycheck practically -- and this is without putting anything towards retirement! And we are living in an apartment. I know part of it is that our rent is going up a lot, and part of it is that ds and I took a trip back east to visit the ILs, but mostly it's the diet -- SCD is breaking us! All the vegetables and meats are just too much money! I would bet we spent over a thousand bucks on food. At this rate, with these kinds of housing prices, we will not be able to afford even the smallest, most worn-out house in this area without buying so far out we'd never be able to get to the nice places to shop like the farmer's Market, the natural food coop, much less fun places like the museums downtown. What's a poor girl to do?
I know I should be happy we have a regular roof over our heads, a car we can use (yes, we have only one car, dh walks to work), and food to eat. There are billions of people worse off than we are. We have internet access, a TV (no cable though) and enough clothes in relatively good condition not to have to wash them daily. Why can't I be grateful for what I have instead of seeing what I don't have? So, we have no garage. So, we have only a 2 bedroom apartment. We're not living in tent city, after all. We may never be able to own a home, but at least we can pay the rent. We have heat in the winter, hot running water, and wow, a washer and dryer (didn't have that growing up -- the washer and dryer that is).
Why is it that the homes here are so out of reach for so many? I mean, it's not as if dh works at a fast food place. He has a college degree, has been out in the working world for many years, but he obviously isn't being paid half what these other women's Dh's are being paid. Why not? Sure, his dad was a plumber who died young and left a widow with a high school education to support three boys. Sure, he's a laid-back hippie who would never want to negotiate for more pay or switch jobs a lot to increase his salary. But why should that mean that we are relegated to apartment living? What about all the teachers, grocery store clerks, bank tellers, and non-profit workers? At this point, even if we could find a house to rent for a reasonable amount, we couldn't afford to pay movers and are too old and physically unfit to move ourselves. I feel so trapped! Is this the depression talking?
I had meant to go on about how the median income in the area is almost double what dh is making, and how that meant that either he was underpaid or I was not supposed to be home with a kid, but I forgot about that. Yes, that's right, the median household income here, in our School District, is over $100K! That includes people who work at the grocery store, etc, which means that a lot of people are being paid really well, or else most women are working outside the home, or both. Where do we sign up to be paid like that? King County (our county) median household income is more like $60K, which is more in line with ours, but that must include inner city areas where there is no income along with rural areas where people can more easily subsist on less. I still can't help thinking, what about the Starbucks employees, the massage therapists? Where do they live? Do they have long commutes? Live with their parents?
Anyway, enough obsessing about money. I need to try to sleep!
Friday, June 09, 2006
So, what's for dinner? What can I eat?
I have been reading a lot lately about diet, especially as it affects mood and mental health. One thing that seems apparent is that I should probably cut out dairy and eggs? I have been wondering about dairy, and to a lesser extent, eggs for years, really. I know that if it's something
you're really resistant to giving up, you're probably allergic to it, right?
Milk and milk products -- not for humans?
I have always felt I couldn't live without yogurt and cheese, and in the past, milk and ice cream (I've given up the latter two for the diet, and been ok). But on the other hand, yogurt, for one, is a great natural source of enzymes and probiotics, and at least the proteins are pre-digested. There are other ways to get probiotics -- coconut milk yogurt, for one -- but they are not as appetizing and not as satisfying, either. Not to mention the nutritional value of it. I mean, coconut milk tastes ok, but it has no protein and no calcium, either. However, I'm a blood type O, and that's supposed to mean dairy is bad for me. And I know I get thicker mucus when I consume it, even goat's milk dairy and even as yogurt. And after all, we're the only species that drinks the milk of another species (but we're the only one that wears clothes, too, and the only one that raises our own food -- other than ants). I actually am not even consuming much dairy these days, since milk and cream are not allowed on the SCD (specific carbohydrate diet) and I don't really care for the tart 24-hour fermented goat's milk yogurt I've been making (cow's milk yogurt gives me migraines, as does cow's milk aged cheese). Is that enough?
Eggs: the perfect food? Or the perfect allergen?
I can't imagine how I'd get by without eggs. They're full of protein, including all the essential amino acids. It's so easy to cook them, they keep so well, they have good fats in them, and they can be used to hold together stuff, like nut-based baked goods (since I can't do grains), and
custard-type foods (ah, dairy and eggs together!). Sigh. But they are one of the most common allergens and one of the first foods to try to eliminate to test for allergies. On the other hand, I don't get a strong physical craving for them the way I used to with ice cream or still do with nuts if I go a few days without them.
Nutso for nuts
Ah, nuts -- another food I can't seem to live without. I was just reading that nuts roasted at high temperatures should be avoided, because the high heat oxidizes the fats in them, and I've read elsewhere that most have a bad lysine to arginine ratio (whatever that means) and are high in omega 6 fatty acids, which should be limited for most people. And I definitely have addictive
type cravings to nuts, especially peanuts and almonds which I can't get enough of. So, we cut out nuts, eggs, and dairy, along with grains, and what's left?? Meat, veggies, and fruit?? That's no way to eat! Ack! I'd starve!
Leftovers - never again?
I forgot to mention, leftovers are also apparently very bad for you. I first
heard this from my homeopath over two years ago, who said I shouldn't be feeding
leftovers of any kind to my baby, because they had no nutritional value and were basically rotten. I guess that would include canned baby food, right, since it's not fresh? Funny, I thought not liking leftovers was just one of those picky kid things, like not liking liver or veggies. Well, it turns out they are full of molds, too, which feed candida albicans -- which ds and I definitely have in abundance. So, I'm supposed to throw away any food I don't consume immediately and eat only fresh fruits, veggies, and meats. Or, according to some anti-candida diets, avoid
fruits as well. So that leaves just fresh veggies and meats. (I don't even want to think of the anti-meat arguments).
Unrealistic dietary expectations
I would have to spend all of my waking hours at home in the kitchen, either cooking or preparing to cook, tons and tons of veggies and meats to get enough calories. That is, when I wasn't at the store, right? After all, if leftovers are bad, doesn't that mean day old lettuce is a no-no too? My
grocery bill would no doubt be over $1500 per month on such a diet, and I would have no time to do anything else. How on earth could anyone live like that? If I were rich, I'd hire a personal chef (or two or three!), and spend a ton on fresh foods, but what about the reality, poor me? Am I doomed to malnutrition and candida overgrowth? That's how I feel at this point. The only other way I could do it would be to move to a farm in a milk climate with a long growing season say, central California, and grow my own (but the air quality there is terrible, and land prices would prevent anyone but the wealthiest to buy land there). You can't win for losing, can you?
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Ellien's Essays: The Pumping Pioneer
I read this essay and thought, wow, here's a mom who's dedicated to giving her baby breastmilk even though she's leaving the baby with another person. This makes those stay at home moms who don't breastfeed seem, well, not so dedicated, to say the least. I mean, if it's too much trouble for them to feed their babies their own breastmilk when working doesn't take them away from their babies, imagine how they'd handle working and breastfeeding. Mothering as a working mom is now considered the norm, but breastfeeding and working -- that's radical! How does anyone do it? Especially if they can't work from home?
I tried working part time from home myself when ds was a baby, but it didn't work for me -- I was suffering from ppd, had nobody to watch ds while I worked, and also had a high needs infant who would not let me put him down. I ended up quitting my job after only a couple of weeks of trying.
I sometimes envy the moms who work outside the home full time, but I also know I couldn't do it, for mulitple reasons: I'm not that organized (when does cooking, shopping, cleaning etc. get done?), energetic (when do you sleep?), or in a position to have someone I trust besides me watch my baby or child. Maybe that will change some day, but for now, I'm staying home. We will remain at the bottom of the middle class, probably never own our own home, but at least I won't be trying to juggle a job and parenting. I admire those who can manage it!
There are so many different ways to be a mom, and so many different ways to provide for your baby's needs. It's truly inspiring to hear about someone making it work to go against the grain, both in breastfeeding (which is so unpopular in our culture) and in doing it while working outside the home. Right on!
Alternative medicine: you're on your own!
I have been looking into alternative approaches for ds's SID and anxiety, as well as my own health concerns (PCOS, migraines, depression) and those of my husband (iritis). Autoimmune conditions like ours (and like those that killed my mom -- dermatomyositis -- and drove my dad to drink himself to death -- fibromyalgia) are so poorly treated by mainstream, western medicine, you really have to seek other opinions. There are so many alternative approaches, it's mindboggling, and since they are often either in conflict with one another (like homeopathy vs. herbs), it's difficult to determine which one to choose. There are no governing bodies to oversee all this, except those who are completely against all alternatives (such as the AMA and the FDA). There needs to be a body made up of regular people, who have the time to read all this stuff and determine what is really true and what isn't. But who has that kind of time who's not on someone's payroll (such as the pharmaceutical industry or agribusiness) who might skew the results?
Nutitional approaches
There are many different dietary or nutritional approaches, including raw vegan, raw meat, seasonal eating, slow foods, traditional (as in Sally Fallon's Nourishing Traditions), the Maker' Diet, orthomolecular, juicing, blood type diet, alkaline diet, many anti-yeast diets, etc. Each seems to say that it's the way to go, and that the others have it all wrong. Some require expensive testing for things like malabsorbtion and alkalinity vs acidity, others simply tell you to follow their plan and you will feel great. Some combine supplements with dietary outlines.
All require a major commitment to follow. All of them are radical departures from the standard American diet (SAD), either because they limit processed foods, or because they limit the types of foods that can be eaten. I think most nutritionists and dietitions would say they are all too extreme, in that they are too different from the USDA Food Pyramid. So you can't really go to a nutritionist if you want to decide which nutritional approach to take among all the radical nutritional prescriptions out there.
How does one decide? I know I can't afford expensive tests, and our insurance doesn't cover them, so I probably won't be doing orthomolecular, even though it seems like a much more customized approach. Had I a million bucks to play with, maybe I'd try it or something like it. Until then, I am just going to wing it, trying out foods and deciding for myself which works best. I do wonder about supplementation though. I know I need more minerals, since I have terrible tooth decay, but mineral supplementation is very tricky, since they all balance each other out and an excess of one can cause a deficit of another. Here's where I wish I could afford testing, to determine which minerals I'm lacking.
Herbs vs. homeopathy
Here's where I get a bit confused: homeopathy uses some plant extracts in some of its remedies, but it's not herbalism and you can't use regular herbs at the same time, despite the fact that no homeopathic remedy I've taken yet has relieved all my symptoms (migraines in particular). And I use many herbs in cooking that have medicinal qualities, like garlic, ginger, and turmeric. And I drink ginger tea. I may be contradicting my homeopathy doing this, I don't know. Also, I've recently learned that some homeopaths have you dilute your remedies in water twice -- should I see someone who does this? Regardless, I feel pretty lost in all this, and am coming to realize that the only one who can guide me is myself -- which is pretty scary!
Supplements: expensive, not well documented
There are so many kinds of nutritional supplements, each with their legion of supporters, it's difficult to know which to take. Pascalite clay? Liquid minerals (because supposedly mineral tablets don't get dissolved or absorbed very well)? Single minerals? Vitamins are controversial too - many say that the synthetic vitamins contained in most vitamin pills are not as good as those found in foods, and that they may even do harm. Enzymes? There are so many, and some are very expensive, but supposedly they really help if you have digestive problems. I could go on, but I'm running out of time. I will continue this later, I hope.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Infertility blues
Friday, January 20, 2006
Natural Highs
Thought I'd just post these, which I got in an email from a friend.
1 . Falling in love.
2. Laughing so hard your face hurts.
3. A hot shower.
4. No lines at the supermarket
5. A special glance.
6. Getting mail.
7. Taking a drive on a pretty road.
8. Hearing your favorite song on the radio
9. Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
10. Hot towels fresh out of the dryer.
11. Chocolate milkshake (or vanilla or strawberry smoothie).
12. A bubble bath.
13. Giggling.
14. A good conversation.
15. The beach
16. Finding a 20 dollar bill in your coat from last winter.
17. Laughing at yourself.
18. Looking into their eyes and knowing they Love you
19. Midnight phone calls that last for hours.
20. Running through sprinklers.
21. Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.
22. Having someone tell you that you're beautiful.
23. Laughing at an inside joke
24. Friends.
25. Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.
26. Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to
27. Your first kiss (either the very first or with a new partner).
28. Making new friends or spending time with old ones.
29 Playing with a young puppy.
30. Having someone play with your hair.
31. Sweet dreams.
32. Hot chocolate with real whipped cream.
33. Road trips with friends.
34. Swinging on swings.
35. Making eye contact with a cute stranger.
36. Making holiday cookies.
37. Having your friends send you homemade cookies.
38 Holding hands with someone you care about.
39. Running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change.
40. Watching the ______expression on someone's face as they open a much desired present from you.
41. Watching the sunrise.
42. Getting out of bed every morning and being grateful for another beautiful day.
43 Knowing that somebody misses you.
44. Getting a hug from someone you care about deeply.
45. Knowing you've done the right thing, no matter what other people may think.
Pass on These Natural Highs
Friday, January 06, 2006
"heath facts and fears" -- This site is so hyped!
I was just reading this website after seeing an editorial in the paper the other day by these guys, and it really amazes me. They seem to think that just blanket statements about how science, and scientists, don't believe that vaccines are harmful, for example, are enough to prove that anyone who is anti-vaccine is an idiot who wants to return to the dark ages. Ditto for
low carb diets, raw milk, toxins, etc. How on earth do they sleep at night? I hate to even create a link to this website, as it makes their count go up, but couldn't leave it alone. Where are the links to studies supporting their positions? Medical journals? How about anything showing that the research against vaccines is shoddy? How about some real arguments, with facts to back them up? How can the autor(s) assert so much with so little background information?
Does anyone else get the feeling this site is funded by the pharmaceutical industry?